Voting Information
Voting Information *
Information about Voting in New Jersey, Monmouth County and Little Silver
New Jersey Voter Information Portal
The New Jersey Division of Elections Portal provides valuable information on voting in New Jersey.
Topics include:
and much more.
Monmouth County Votes!
MonmouthCountyVotes! is the official elections website for Monmouth County, NJ provided by the Monmouth County Clerk’s office, in collaboration with the Monmouth County Board of Elections and the Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections. This website was designed to provide election and voter information for Monmouth County in one convenient location. From voter registration information, poll worker information, to election night results, this website provides up-to-date information for Monmouth County voters.
Register to Vote
Register to vote in New Jersey.
You can either register printing out a PDF here:
and then sending to to the County Clerk
or easier click the button below to register conveniently on-line.
Vote by Mail Application
Click for a PDF verrsion of the Vote by Mail application. You can print it out and mail it in to the Monmouth Count Clerk.
Track Your Vote-by Mail Ballot
Track the status of your Mail-In ballot by clicking the button below.
Monmouth County Secure Drop Box Locations
Find the location of Monmouth County Vote-By-Mail Drop Boxes. You are able to return you Mail-In ballot at any of these locations.
Vote 411
Voter information provided by the League of Women Voters